Live bigger than your fears

Fear-apy is a heart-led, soul-revealing solution to break free from fear-based limitations and expand into the fullness of life.

Coming 2025! Join the waitlist.

By the end of the fear-apy program, you’ll be able to…

Break free from the fear-based stories and beliefs that once bound you to a past version of yourself and limited your potential

Courageously take action to bring your dreams, your purpose, and your calling to life

Trust yourself to reliably choose your long-term happiness (self-loving) over your short-term comfort (self-defeating)

Live, love, and create freely beyond the boundaries of limiting beliefs

Identify your mind’s favorite “flavor” of fear and how it informs your unique fear story

Spend less time ‘what-if’-ing about the future and more time living and loving your life in the moment

Identify the key difference between authentic action and fearful reaction

Use fear as a compass to guide you forward rather than a stop sign to hold you back

Listen to the podcast episode now

In this episode, you'll learn a simple, actionable, and soul-expanding practice to take small, daily steps to break through limiting fears.

Is fear-apy for you?

This course is for you if you’re ready to make a change to the way you’re showing up in life.

As much as we’d like to, we can’t think or feel our way to big, meaningful changes. We have to act in ways that shake the ego out of its cowered stance in our comfort zone. 


It’s nearly impossible to consistently act differently than we have in the past if we’re still telling ourselves the same old story about who we think we are or who we believe we’re supposed to be.

In other words, if the story we’re telling ourselves about ourselves doesn’t support those new, comfort-zone-busting actions, we’ll find ourselves flailing back to our old baseline once that initial burst of motivation wears off.

However, when we release the fear-based, looping story the mind tells us about who we’ve always been or who we’re supposed to be, the truth of who we authentically are begins to reveal itself to us and through us. The Self beneath all the shoulds and fears that kept us playing small, safe, secluded, and separated.

Without the story, we’re free to embody the authentic expression of our TRUE, limitless self. The limited, fear-based story is a mask that covers up the true Self. Once the mask has been shattered, the energy and intention of the Soul or true Self is able to shine through us and out into the world. From there, our actions, beliefs, thoughts, and feelings naturally and rather effortlessly recalibrate themselves to match.

So first, the fear-based story must go. Because the story we tell ourselves about ourselves informs everything else—our beliefs, our feelings, our attitudes, and most certainly our behaviors. And even the most hopeful and optimistic of stories keeps us limited—limited to a fixed definition of self.

When we remove the limiting, fear-based story of the mind, we create space for the limitless, ever-evolving, and love-based story of the Soul to move through us. From heart (being) to mind (doing) and out into the world. This is creation from a truly sovereign and free place. It’s an expression of Self (Big S) that moves through the self (little s) that’s entirely unconfined by the tethers of material reality.

Your dreams?
Your daydreams?
The inspired, chill-inducing things you imagine while you’re listening to a song that lights up your heart?

They aren’t silly. They’re intelligent, and the reason they won’t quit is because they’re trying to wake you up to who you truly are. To inspire you to take off the mask and blow apart the story of the ‘you’ you play in this world so that you can expand radiantly into who you really are.

It’s time to claim the dream that calls to you. To courageously step into the fullness of the truest you, the life your Soul intended for you to live, and the heart-led dream you’re being called to manifest.

Are you ready?

“I held my fear by the hand,
honored its existence, and
thanked it for teaching me
that happiness exists beyond
the boundaries it creates.”

— Yung Pueblo Inward* p. 201

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